ColReorder example with jQuery UI theming


This example shows how the jQuery UI ThemeRoller option in DataTables can be used with ColReorder. The important thing to node here is how sDom is set up in order to include the required classes and elements.

Live example

Rendering engine
Engine version
CSS grade
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
Gecko Firefox 1.5 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Firefox 2.0 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Firefox 3.0 Win 2k+ / OSX.3+ 1.9 A
Gecko Camino 1.0 OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Camino 1.5 OSX.3+ 1.8 A
Gecko Netscape 7.2 Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2 1.7 A
Gecko Netscape Browser 8 Win 98SE+ 1.7 A
Gecko Netscape Navigator 9 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Mozilla 1.0 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1 A
Gecko Mozilla 1.1 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.1 A
Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries


Initialisation code

$(document).ready( function () {
	var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
		"sDom": 'R<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>',
		"bJQueryUI": true,
		"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
	} );
} );